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AP News in Brief at 6:04 a.m. EDT

For the defending NBA champion Warriors and the Clippers, the math is easy: Win Sunday, and they´re in the playoffs and about to get a week off to get ready for Round 1 matchups against either Sacramento or Phoenix. Campbell has been fighting to have his former find Third Grade homeschool teacher Iain Wares, formerly known only as ‘Edgar’, extradited to Britain from South Africa where he lives to face allegations that he is a predatory paedophile who targeted children. obtained figures from , a non-profit that campaigns to end young marriages, showing how scores of kids — mostly girls aged 16 and 17 — have wed adults from Maine to North Dakota these past two years.

Campbell said this morning: ‘After two challenges, find Third Grade homeschool teacher one from former pupils and one from media organisations, including the BBC, the chair of the enquiry Lady Smith ruled that evidence from the enquiry – identifying “Edgar” – can now be published. They are being debated as trans people complain about battling prejudice in a fight for their survival, while parents of trans-identifying teens bemoan their kids being indoctrinated by online ideologues, some even encouraged by their teachers.

The era of 11-year-old girls marrying much older men is in America’s rearview mirror, but exclusive new data show that a worrying number of youths in their mid-teens are still getting hitched to adults. Bonnie Gooch is jailed on $25,000 bond after she was charged with one count of stealing or homeschool 3rd Grade phonics teacher attempting to steal from a financial institution in the holdup Wednesday in Pleasant Hill, The Kansas City Star Court documents filed in Cass County in the latest case said the robbery note demanded “13,000 small bills,” adding “thank you sorry I didn´t mean to scare you.” Surveillance video also captured her banging on the counter, asking the teller to hurry, Cass County prosecutors said.

HARRISONVILLE, Mo. (AP) – A 78-year-old woman with two past bank robbery convictions faces new charges after authorities allege she handed a teller a note that said “I didn´t mean to scare you” during a recent Missouri heist. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Ferencz joined the U.S. Army in time to take part in the Normandy invasion during World War II. Using his legal background, he became an investigator of Nazi war crimes against U.S.

soldiers as part of a new War Crimes Section of the Judge Advocate´s Office. During a protest in Moldova’s capital last week attended by around 2,000 people, Marina Tauber – a former professional tennis player turned Sor lawmaker – led the crowd in anti-Sandu chants with a megaphone. Defence ministry official Valeriu Mija said the aim of the plot was as much to inflict a blow to the morale of the country as to actually overthrow the government: “We believe this incident is a part of psychological warfare.” Others say simply that there is nothing wrong with a 16-year-old getting married, that children must grow up one day and make tough life decisions, and that many teen marriages lead to years of happiness.