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Communications, Mobile Phones

Communications, Mobile Phones

Jaw-dropping homes that architects created… for themselves! 

Under current policy children who arrive in the country without a parent or legal guardian are not expelled, specialist but rather placed in government custody and eventually released to live with a family member or another sponsor. The plan also assumes that the government would be able to screen families for asylum quickly, either admitting …

Jaw-dropping homes that architects created… for themselves!  Read More »

How Sylvester Stallone's 90s movie predicted the future

The Republican congressman from New York has stepped down from his committee assignments amid questions his conduct during the midterm election, including lying about his work history, his education  and his heritage in his campaign biography. would ‘shine a light’ on those involved. His public statements are in keeping with the administration’s policy before Russia’s …

How Sylvester Stallone's 90s movie predicted the future Read More »